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Notice of Public Hearing

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that August 20, 2024 at 7 pm at the Middletown Fire Station has been set as time and place for Board of Directors, South Lake County Fire Protection District, to consider 1) Report on Amount of Special Tax to be Collected for 2024-2025 Fiscal Year,, and 2) 2024-2025 Adopted Budget. All interested parties have the right to appear and be heard at this time. The Recommended Budget will be available for three days before the meeting review during normal business hours at the office of the Middletown Fire Station, 21095 Hwy 175 and at the District's website,  Posted 8/10/24 by Gloria Fong, Clerk to the Board of Directors


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that January 16, 2024 at 7 pm at the Middletown Fire Station has been set as time and place for Board of Directors, South Lake County Fire Protection District, to consider Fire Mitigation Fee Nexus Study and Impact Fee. Ten days before this date, the Study will be available for inspection during normal business hours at the office of the Middletown Fire Station, 21095 Hwy 175 and at the District's website,  Posted 12/14/23 by Gloria Fong, Clerk to the Board of Directors

Access "Fire Mitigation Fee Nexus Study" hereAccess "Resolution Adopting and Requesting Imposition of Fire Mitigation Fees" hereAccess "Fire Mitigation Fee Nexus Study Presentation" here


South Lake County Fire Board Meeting

The PUBLIC is encouraged to join the meeting via Zoom:

From your computer, tablet, or smartphone:

or by dialing in using your phone: (669) 900-6833

Meeting ID: 832 8728 1530

The South Lake County Fire Protection District Board of Directors meets the 3rd Tuesday of every month.  The meetings are held at 21095 Highway 175 in Middletown Fire Station conference room.  Due to COVID-19, the fire stations are currently closed to the public. ZOOM Meetings can be joined from any desktop or mobile device. You can also call in from a landline or mobile phone. You do not need a ZOOM account to attend the meeting. Join by clicking on above link, by ZOOM app and entering Meeting ID, or by dialing using phone and entering Meeting ID.

Public comment is allowed before any action is taken by the Board on each item. It may also be made remotely by emailing, via Zoom videoconferencing, or phone application.